Bitumen Emulsion

Bitumen in different forms is used as a Binder in Road Construction at Ambient Temperature. Bitumen is made workable by emulsifying to form Bitumen Emulsion. Engineers all over the Country have acknowledged the necessity of emulsified Bitumen for Road Repairs/Constructions because of its reliability, economy and ease of application.

Asphalt emulsions are dispersions of small particles of Asphalt through a Continuous water phase. The water phase means that the viscosity of the emulsion is lower than the base Asphalt, thus application will be at much lower temperatures than for asphalt. In many instances the emulsion may be applied at ambient. This lower viscosity also means that Asphalt emulsions are less sensitive to weather Conditions. Being water based emulation is less sensitive to damp stone or pavements as well as to dusty aggregates.The Chemical surfactant system in the emulsion aids wetting of stone or pavements thereby improving the adhesive bond. this is especially true of cationic emulsions which effectively have an in built anti stripping system.

Manufacturing emulsion:

A schematic diagram of a typical emulsion system is show in process flow diagram.

The main features are, Molten Asphalt is sheared to fine droplets by a high shear system called colloidal mill.

Within the colloidal mill the Asphalt is brought into intimate contact with a chemical solution. This is the chemical stabilization. After discharge the emulsion consists of water with fine particles of asphalt dispersed in it, all that is between the particles and each other is water and chemicals. Asphalt is not soluble in water and so to keep it dispersed in fine particles is a significant feat.

It may be understood from this that the viscosity of the Asphalt when it enters the mill is important; hence the temperature of the Asphalt is important. Also the temperature of the soap is important. If either is too low the emulsion may become more coarse. If on the other hand the temperatures are too high the emulsion may boil, lose water and cause coarsening.

How emulsifiers work:

Emulsifiers of both the cationic and anionic type are based on salts of fatty long chain molecules, these may be synthetic or derivatives of fatty acids as found in oils and fats.

a) Anionic emulsifiers are based on fatty acids, these are reacted with a base such as caustic potash or caustic soda (K OH or Na OH) to form a salt. It is this salt is the active emulsifier.

The non polar tall is hydrophobic and hence aligns itself inward to the Asphalt. The polar end is hydrophilic and hence provides the solubility in water. The emulsifier thus attaches itself to the Asphalt particle. The number and density of emulsifier molecules that do this will impart a charge to the surface of the Asphalt particle. This charge will be exactly balanced by the free charges in the water phases. This will be the sodium or potassium ion of the salt.

The products that are used for this process are usually mixtures of fatty acids; these will impart different levels of charge or Zeta Potential to the particles and give a balance of properties.

b) Cationic Emulsifiers are based on acid salts of amines prepared form fatty acids. These may be fatty demines, fatty quaternary ammonium compounds or ethoxylated derivatives. The type of emulsifier determines the number of charges that are on the surface of the Asphalt. Thus they determine the zeta potential.

Commercial emulsifiers are mixtures and give a balance of properties.

Zeta potential is an important concept to grasp as most emulsion properties flow from it or as a result of it.

Zeta potential is the electrical potential between the surface of the Asphalt particle and the bulk solution. The Zeta potential is determined by the emulsifier adsorbed onto the surface of the Asphalt. A double layer of ions and counter ions exists in solution surrounding each particle of Asphalt. The form of the double layer depends on the concentration and ionic density of the emulsifier and the pH.

A large zeta potential indicates a greater double layer, faster movement and greater repulsion between particles. Larger repulsion produces more stable emulsions.

The pH affects the way in which the Asphalt adsorbs emulsifier and so is critical to the double layer and thus Zeta potential.

Increasing the concentration of the emulsifier compresses the double layer; this in fact decreases zeta potential but the increased amount of surfactant increases stability by increasing colloidal protection. For this reason it is always better to choose the emulsifier for the application rather than attempting to slow break or make it more rapid by adjusting emulsifier concentration. In cationic emulsions it is often not possible to make a slow set using a rapid set emulsifier due to the very high zeta potential of such emulsifiers.


Stability may be understood in terms of the structure and the mechanism of break.

Firstly, the density of all Asphalts is around one but always higher. Thus the emulsions will always settle unless this density can be adjusted below that of water or if the water is modified to a higher density in general it is not practical to do this aside from relatively small adjustments. Cutter is added for such an adjustment as is calcium chloride. The former changes the density of the Asphalt, the latter the density of the water.

As the break down in storage of an emulsion is by flocculation and coalescence any measure to retard this or to begin the process at a finer particle size will increase stability.

Also finer particles settle more slowly, if they are less than 3 microns they even have as sort of internal mixing called Brownian motion.Asphalt Emulsions are fine dispersions of Asphalt in water. Manufacturing is done by high shear in specially designed plants


The main areas of advantage of emulsions are related to this can be summarized in terms of:

  1. Energy Conservation/ Pollution Control/ Safety
  2. Versatility
  3. Ease Of Use.
  4. Performance

The major advantages of asphalt emulsion relate to their chemistry and physical properties. They are a handy way of storing, transporting and applying asphalt. They save energy and materials and are simple to use. Surface Dressing and Stabilizing Coat in Road Work

Variety of emuelsion:

Bitumen Emulsions are classified in three Grades i.e. Rapid Setting, Medium Setting, & Slow Setting.

  1. Rapid setting: Emulsion Break is rapid and is further subdivided into RS-1
  2. Emulsion RS 1 that is suitable as binder for penetration macadam and sand seal. This chemical is processed using supreme class chemical compounds as per the set industry norm under utmost favorable condition. We assure our clients that offered chemical is sternly monitored on various parameters to ensure their quality. Further, we offer this chemical in various colors to meet the exact needs and requirements of the clients.